Star Cards Oracle Deck

Ask a question. Pick a card. Download insight from your Higher Self.

Star Cards Oracle Deck by Amy Patee: Invoke Card "Speak Your Truth"

The bridge between you and your higher self.

The answers we seek lie within. We are the Oracle! However, many of us have lost touch with our inner selves, making it challenging to hear the voice of our intuition. We often seek out external sources for direction and guidance instead of turning inward to access the wisdom we already possess. This is where the Star Cards come in…

*If you live in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area, buy local here!

Star Cards Oracle Deck by Amy Patee the FEAR and ABUNDANCE cards drawn on a table

How they work. 

As you hold the deck in your hands an energetic shift occurs to align you with your highest self. This shift happens instantly and without any effort on your part. It is simply how they were designed to work. Once aligned, the Star Cards become the voice of your divine self. Then, simply ask a question, pick a card (or three), and download insight from your higher self.

An “Invoke” card indicates you need to activate something. Say, “I invoke _______.” Take a deep breath in and out. Feel an infusion of energy.

A “Clear” card indicates you need to release something. Say, “I clear _______.” Take a deep breath in and exhale it out through an open mouth to let it go.

As you invoke and/or clear your energy you will return to your most authentic state of being. In this state, you are able to take empowered action in your life that serves your highest and best interest.

*If you live in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area, buy local here!

Where the words come from.

I designed the deck around the ancient wisdom of the chakra system. Each card features a specific energetic quality that relates to one of the seven chakras. I’ve included both “positives” and “negatives” for each chakra. For instance, when our root chakra is functioning in a healthy way we feel grounded in our bodies, connected to the earth, and like we belong. When our root chakra is blocked we may experience a sense of not being supported and loneliness. Thus, in the Star Card deck, you’ll find an “Invoke” card for belonging and a “Clear” card for loneliness. The medicine these cards provide is deep – helping you adjust your core energy matrix time and time again.

Download the FREE Star Cards Reflections eBook to learn more about the inspiration behind the creation of the Star Cards, how the cards work, the profound insights they can offer, and to expand your connection with each card through thoughtful reflections.

Card Specs: 2.75″ x 2.75″, 69 cards total in the deck (includes instructional cards). Made in the moment with love.

Get the FREE Star Card Reflections eBook by Amy Patee

What people are saying…

Laura Hallen, Artist
“The Star Cards were amazingly accurate and allowed me to contemplate what to clear and what to invoke in my life. Play with these cards with friends, it brings about some interesting conversations!”

“I love everything about Amy’s Star Cards, from the size to really hold them and connect to the magnificent energy and thoughtfulness that emanates from them to the feeling of asking a question and receiving an invoking or clearing action.”

Jessa Walters, Evolutionary Astrologer
“When I pause, breathe, and connect with the star cards, I feel I am connecting with my intuition, my inner knowing. The simplicity and poignancy of the star cards make for clear, concise messages that come straight from that place of inner knowing. I find these cards are a beautiful way to work with tuning into that place inside & learning to trust it.”

The answers you seek are within.

Buy your Star Cards Oracle Deck today and start downloading insight from your higher self.

*If you live in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area, buy local here!